Mind Body Health Yoga
Classes and Programs that Inspire, Inform & Empower!

There is a holistic approach to well-being. We all can tap into our body’s needs and be guided by inner wisdom to discover our full potential in health and happiness. I invite you to investigate and experience for yourself the richness of Ayurveda, Yoga, Meditation, and Pranayama. You may also want to explore new skills, and techniques in your kitchen using fresh foods, herbs and spices. These skill will enrich your life, and the life of your family and friends. I believe in the importance of minimally processed, nutrient dense, great tasting foods. I will share with you helpful tips for turning your old family favorites into new, healthier recipes and much more.
What does a Holistic Health Coach do?

As a Holistic Health Coach, I support and inspire my clients to work within the realities of their day-to-day lives to achieve their goals. We take a step by step approach to obtain lasting results. We work together to implement tools and techniques that make small yet manageable changes that are sustainable over time. We work together to refine solutions to problems which may have been difficult to overcome on your own in the past.
What is Yoga?

Yoga derives from the Sanskrit word ~yuj~ which means “to unite or integrate”. Yoga is much more than poses, known as asanas. When practiced on a regularly basis, yoga is a system that will harmonizes body, mind, breath and spirit. Our yoga classes are flowing, inspiring and empowering. In class, we move smoothly from one asana into the next at a medium pace. Modifications are offered in class for each pose first, which allows you to work at your own level of fitness. Most importantly, you are invited to take your practice deeper as you feel inspired by your own experience and skills. In these classes you are encouraged to know directly the benefits of your Yoga practice.
What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda“the science of life” Ayurveda evolved in India and is considered to be the world’s oldest systems of natural health and healing. Ayurveda is known as an extraordinary mind-body-spirit approach that addresses all aspects of health, longevity and vitality. Ayurveda is based on balance and harmony with nature. Through Ayurveda we realize everyone is made of the same 5 elements, “earth, water, fire, air, and space” but in different proportions known as our constitution or dosha. There are three doshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Ayurveda offers insight into the dynamics of balance. This knowledge helps us to see the effects the elements have on us at all levels according to our dosha. Ayurveda gives us insight into how our food, activity, the seasons, and even the different stages of our life have an effect us. And how we can move towards harmony with ourselves and the environment we find ourselves in. Here is where working with a Holistic Health Coach can offer clarity and a better understand of how to bring balance into our life.
Yoga & Ayurveda
Yoga & Ayurveda are not separate but are instead related like the
branches a tree. Yoga and Ayurveda are both from the Vedic system of knowledge which encompasses all of life. Yoga and Ayurveda each have their unique function and overlap on various levels, we need both Yoga and Ayurveda.
Meditation is it for me?

Meditation can be an amazing tool for managing our over extended lifestyle today. Mediation can improve the immune system, lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, tension headaches, even help us manage pain and insomnia. Meditation leads us to tap into our creativity and to have more clarity. Meditation can also support mood, relationships, and so much more. The practice of meditation can begin at the age of five and carry through a lifetime.
Try this Breathing Meditation!
A breathing meditation is a great place to start. Sit comfortably lift your heart so your spine is straight, close your eyes and relax. Move your awareness to your breathing. Just allow the breath to flow naturally. Allow your focus to be only on the breath moving in and out gently. Thoughts will arise, just let them go and gently return your awareness back to the breath. Meditation works most effectively when practiced everyday at the same time. You can start slowly five minutes and work your way up to 20 minutes a day consistently. Once you have experience the benefits of this meditation, you may want to explore other meditation practices. There are many different types meditation and the benefits are vast.
What is Pranayam

Pranayam is known as breathing techniques or breath control. The practice of Pranayama brings Prana “vital energy” directly into the body. Prana can be directed in various ways to impact the respiratory, circulatory, and nervous systems. The practice and proper use of Pranayama will have a profound positive impact on our physical and psychological well-being. Prananyma is also a powerful way to naturally detox the body. Pranayama can also correct the movements of energy in our body. Pranayama is always implemented in the practice of asana.